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karasu himeRocks on Perfect Buddy
So funny, so cute and so satisfying!! Loved this fic!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Rocks on Return of the Sword God-Rank Civil Servant
It sometimes skip explanations but overall good sh**
Pretty good on Raising Beta
I'm giving four star for the evilness of Hwan. That's what I call superobsession!
Rocks on Dreadful Night
Such a goated story I always find myself coming back to it- I don't really like sm** or anything I'm just really bored and like to have a laugh but the plot is so good I just read it again and again- it's exactly the genre I love.
Sucks big time on Secret Class
this is NOT what i expected... do not recommend, first of all.. how is he that stupid to not know about s*x and he's already 18+ ☠️☠️🤷🏻♀️